1290 Infinity II Online SPE System

This online SPE system provides the flexibility to match virtually any analytical challenge. Leverage from Agilent Quick Change Valve technology to alternate between two reusable SPE cartridges or use SPE and direct injection on the same instrument without the need of replumbing or changing the valves. Combined with the Agilent 6400 series triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, the InfinityLab Online SPE Solutions take you into a new dimension of ulralow, trace-level detection.


Product details Related Product


  • Automate your workflow for SPE sample prep - avoid errors and increase throughput
  • Having sample preparation, LC, and MS/MS analysis online in a single effort - save time and costs
  • Enrich your analyte to reach lowest detection limits and increase certainty in your analysis
  • Leverage from the full flexibility of tailored online SPE kits, such as the Online SPE Starter Kit, Direct Injection Kit, or High Volume Injection Kit to meet your specific SPE challenges
  • Benefit from a complete one-vendor solution including high-performance UHPLC instrumentation, highly sensitive triple quadrupole MS detection, and dedicated consumables such as re-usable online SPE cartridges




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