1290 Infinity II Method Transfer System

The 1290 Infinity II Method Transfer System features intelligent system emulation technology (ISET), which is specifically designed for both HPLC and UHPLC method transfer. The 1290 Infinity II Method Transfer System will deliver similar retention times and peak resolution for methods that were developed on legacy HPLCs or UHPLCs from other vendors. Replace many LCs with a single 1290 Infinity II Method Transfer System and simplify user training and service while getting the same results.


Product details Related Product


  • Intelligent system emulation technology (ISET) harnesses the wide power range and the superior accuracy and performance of the Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC to emulate other LC systems through a single mouse click
  • Harmonize and derisk your user training, and service plans/parts and save on bench space by replacing many (U)HPLC systems with one 1290 Infinity II Method Transfer System
  • Stock your laboratory with the latest UHPLC technology while still delivering the same HPLC results as in the past
  • Experience seamless method transfer by using ISET to predict what chromatograms receiving labs will observe, independent of what provider of LCs they use
  • Accelerate your instrument-to-instrument method transfer. Simply emulate the LC system on which the original method was developed and achieve the same retention times and peak resolution




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