1220 Infinity II LC System

The 1220 Infinity II LC is an integrated system for routine HPLC analysis in analytical and QA/QC labs. Based on the proven technology of the InfinityLab LC Series, the system’s high quality and performance help you achieve maximum return on investment and lowest cost of ownership from day one.

You can choose from four affordable ‘all-in-one’ configurations, while upgrade paths allow you to increase system capability as your needs change. The walkup upgrade and software convert the 1220 Infinity II LC into a perfect LC or LC/MS workhorse for multi-user environment. Almost any InfinityLab LC Series module can be connected to give you maximum flexibility.


Product details Related Product


  • Optimized for everyday productivity: Exceptional accuracy and superior precision for all routine applications in QA/QC labs
  • Fully compliant with all requirements for regulatory LC applications
  • Industry leading quality and long-life: A member of the reliable and trusted InfinityLab LC Series
  • Fast, trouble-free startup: Every system is tested in its final configuration
  • Flexible hardware choices and all-in-one configurations include an isocratic or gradient pump, manual injector or vial autosampler, column oven and variable wavelength or diode array detector
  • Future proof: Upgrade your system with additional hardware modules such as an InfinityLab LC Series refractive index, fluorescence or evaporative light scattering detector, or an Agilent InfinityLab LC/MSD Series Mass Selective Detector
  • External walkup tray and dedicated walkup software make this the perfect LC system for a multi-user environment
  • Unique mobile upgrade allows installation of the 1220 Infinity II LC in a mobile lab
  • Higher resolution and faster run times: Our optimized pump delivers up to 600 bar, which enables you to use even smaller particle size columns
  • Lower detection limits using a variable wavelength detector up to 80 Hz
  • Maintain stable temperatures with the optional column oven
  • High-performance software: Choose either the modern state-of-the-art software OpenLab CDS Workstation or the fully flexible, multi-purpose OpenLab CDS ChemStation Edition or OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition




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