GC/MS/MS Pesticides Analyzer

Based on the 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS, the Agilent Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants GC/MS/MS Analyzer 4.0 with the MassHunter Pesticide and Pollutant MRM Database provides the lowest possible detection and quantitation limits for pesticides residues in complex matrices. Dynamic MRM provides enhanced analytical efficiency by focusing on MRMs within its own RT window. Capillary flow technology (CFT) backflush optimizes cycle time, enhances robustness, and provides superior selectivity and sensitivity for routine operation.

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  • Factory configured and tested for optimized and verified chromatographic performance
  • Database with over 1,100 compounds with multiple transitions per compound and over 7,500 matrix-optimized MRM transitions helps your team build acquisition methods that reduce matrix interferences
  • Dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (dMRM) with retention-time scheduled MRM transitions enables larger target lists in a single run due to more efficient use of instrument data acquisition time and also provides a more intuitive way to build and modify acquisition methods using the P&EP MRM database
  • Includes pesticide MRM acquisition methods and data files, application note, operator manuals and quick start guide for faster system start-up
  • Incorporates innovative GC technologies, including capillary flow technology and retention time locking
  • Constant pressure, post-column backflush method provides the greatest flexibility, can easily be scaled for shorter run times, and allows your lab to add GC detectors
  • Constant flow, mid-column backflush methods provide the best sensitivity for trace pesticide analysis
  • Reverse sandwich injection easily set up and controlled by software
  • On-site installation and check out by a factory-certified technician confirm that your instrument and the application meet Agilent analytical performance criteria
  • System familiarization ensures that your team is ready to go and can start calibration and validation work immediately following system installation




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