Capillary Kits for HPLC

Agilent InfinityLab capillary kits include a complete set of system capillaries, including InfinityLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn fittings for efficienct ramp up of usage of InfinityLab LC Series instruments. Agilent capillary/fitting starter kits contain the most widely used connection capillaries, fittings, and tools for older LC systems. Dimensions of the capillaries are optimized to minimize extra-column volume to ensure highest separation efficiency.

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  • Carefully selected capillaries dimensions (inner diameter and length) to minimize extra-column volume and optimize separation efficiency
  • Get peace of mind from having everything at hand for all necessary connections on your new systems
  • InfinityLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn fittings in the InfinityLab capillary kits ensure ease-of-use and zero-dead-volume column connections




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