Pesticides Workflow Kit for Intuvo GC/TQ

The Agilent Pesticides Workflow Kit for Intuvo GC/TQ allows users to quickly implement an optimized targeted screening analysis for pesticide residues and environmental pollutants on the Intuvo/7000D GC/TQ system, using a comprehensive workflow kit including methods, Intuvo-specific MRM database and optional consumables.

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  • Minimize matrix interferences using the enhanced Intuvo Pesticides MRM database with over 1,100 compounds and over 7,500 matrix-optimized MRM transitions
  • Free database updates for three years from date of purchase
  • Meet detection limits while reducing or eliminating method development time using the included 20- or 40-minute acquisition methods
  • Maximize your analysis by using award-winning Agilent sample preparation products
  • Ensure your team can start calibration and validation work immediately following system installation with included basic system familiarization, or achieve even more with optional Agilent CrossLab application services tailored to your laboratory needs
  • Streamline your GC experience with a simplified operator interface to reduce operational and maintenance costs often found with conventional GC systems with the Intuvo 9000 GC
  • Compatible with innovative Intuvo 9000 GC and 7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS instruments




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