ICP-MS MassHunter Software

ICP-MS MassHunter Workstation software controls all aspects of the setup and operation of your Agilent ICP-MS and ICP-QQQ instruments and accessories. Compatible with the 7800 and 7900 quadrupole ICP-MS, and 8800/8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ), as well as the previous 7700 Series, ICP-MS MassHunter makes running your Agilent ICP-MS system easier than ever. The latest revision of the software includes many usability, functionality, and productivity benefits, including a new interface for instrument control, method setup, and sequencing.

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  • Reduce staff training time by using powerful MassHunter software consistently across all Agilent MS platforms
  • Create new methods interactively or completely automatically using the new Method Wizard
  • Save user-created custom batches as templates for future use
  • Initiate operation using pre-defined startup procedures, or define your own custom startup procedure
  • Review hardware, configuration, performance report, and diagnostics all from a single intuitive interface
  • Set quality control limits and flags for up to 5 user-defined QC sample types, and let MassHunter automatically perform corrective actions if needed during sequencing
  • Fully integrate chromatographic-ICP-MS measurements and data analysis with optional MassHunter Chromatographic software
  • Simplify data handling and report generation, using an all new drag-and-drop report template generator. Export raw data and processed results for single samples, user-defined selections, or an entire batch to Microsoft© Excel 2013 or your LIMS
  • Access multiple ICP-MS instruments remotely from your smartphone or tablet. The new Agilent ICP-MS Mobile App works with Apple or Android devices and permits remote monitoring of system status and performance as well as control of plasma on/off and pausing or resuming of sample queues
  • Upgrade any existing ICP-MS version of MassHunter to the latest revision




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