Protein Quantitation

The Key to a Successful Bioanalytical Strategy If you want to succeed in the fastest...

Biosimilars and Biobetters

Establish protein structure comparability with confidence The development of and market for biosimilars and biobetters/biosuperiors...

Antibody Drug Conjugates

The Right Tools to Manage and Monitor a Complex Process Developing an effective antibody-drug conjugate...

Infectious Diseases

Gain insight into infectious disease with a robust Cell Analysis portfolio Infectious disease research has...

Drug Discovery

Validate your metabolic targets and assess mitochondrial liability with energy metabolism Metabolic pathway dysregulation is...

Cancer Research

Measure cancer cell metabolism to exploit cancer liabilities Metabolic reprogramming is an emerging hallmark of...

Wine Analysis

Wine is an important global food commodity of high commercial value. To protect this valuable...

Spirits Analysis

To ensure quality, spirit makers need to assess all the flavor and fragrance components, including...

Beer Analysis

To ensure the quality of beer, one of the most widely consumed beverages in world,...

Water Analysis

Ensuring Water Quality Inorganic elemental contamination of water supplies may occur from natural deposits, as...

Environmental Exposure

Solutions for Contaminant Exposure in the Environment Each day scientists identify new and emerging chemical...

Air Monitoring

Monitoring Toxic Air Contaminants To Protect Health Effective air analysis is critical in a variety...

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