FTIR Libraries for 4100/4200

Geology Diffuse Reflectance Library
260 spectra of rocks and minerals for use with the 4100 ExoScan or 4200 FlexScan Diffuse Reflectance sample interfaces.

Industrial Ores Diffuse Reflectance Library
130 spectra of ores and minerals of economic importance for use with the 4100 ExoScan or 4200 FlexScan Diffuse Reflectance sample interfaces

Product details Related Product


  • Identify/classify covalently bonded minerals via their mid infrared spectrum - carbonates, sulfates, nitrates, silicates, phosphates, borates, vandates, arsenates, tungstates, molybdates, uranates, hydroxides, oxides, etc
  • Determine purity of mineral and presence of secondary minerals
  • Determine relative amounts of minerals present in the sample
  • Identify various mineral species that compose rock
  • Identify and measure economic hydrocarbons (oil in rock, sediment, shale, coal)
  • Analyze and identify the organic and inorganic components of soil as related to origin, formation, fertility and contamination
  • Determine ratio of different soil components




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