5900 ICP-OES

The Agilent 5900 SVDV smart ICP system is an ICP optical emission spectrometer designed for high-throughput labs that demand the best. You can be sure of the right answer, in a shorter time, and at a lower cost per sample than any other ICP optical emission spectrometer.

With innovative freeform optics, an ecosystem of embedded sensors, algorithms and diagnostics, and fully optimized for maximum throughput, this smart ICP is sure to give you the edge over your competition.

Product details Related Product


  • Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV), allowing both the axial and radial views of the plasma to be captured in only one reading, enabling greater sample throughput at a lower cost and delivering accurate results in the quickest possible time
  • Integrated Advanced Valve System (AVS), speeding up your analysis and drastically reducing your argon use, while still achieving the highest analytical precision
  • IntelliQuant smart software, capturing data from the entire wavelength range allowing you to learn more about your samples, identifying spectral interferences and providing recommendations to ensure you get the right answers every time
  • Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF), utilizing over 100 sensors that monitor and track instrument health, alerting the analyst when maintenance is needed, overcoming common reasons for service calls, and reducing expense and wasted time
  • Neb Alert, continuously monitoring the nebulizer and alerting you when the nebulizer is leaking or needs cleaning, preventing wasted time and the cost of troubleshooting
  • Smart tools like Fitted Background Correction (FBC), Fast Automated Curve-fitting Technique (FACT), Inter Element Correction (IEC), IntelliQuant and Intelligent Rinse, taking the guesswork out of method development and automating troubleshooting
  • ICP Expert Pro Software, included as standard on the 5900 ICP-OES, giving you access to live export to Microsoft Excel, custom replicates, integrated prepFAST auto-dilutor operation, and other advanced software functionalities




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