5110 ICP-OES

The Agilent 5110 ICP-OES has been discontinued. The 5110 ICP-OES has been superseded by the new smart 5800 and 5900 ICP-OES instruments that are designed to help reclaim wasted time, reduce sample remeasurement and give you the edge over your competition.

Product details Related Product


  • Run the fastest ICP-OES analysis with the unique dichroic spectral combiner (DSC) that enables synchronous radial and axial measurements
  • Reduce running costs and boost productivity by minimizing sample uptake, stabilization times, and rinse delays using the optional advanced valve system (AVS), which features controlled bubble injection to achieve the highest analytical precision
  • Measure your toughest samples with a vertical torch, from high matrix to volatile organic solvents
  • Achieve long term analytical stability with a solid-state RF system that delivers a robust plasma
  • Start analysis immediately with the easy-to-use, intuitive software design with application-specific applets that can be run with minimal training
  • Take the guesswork out of method development with intuitive ICP Expert software and DSC technology
  • See all elements in your sample at a glance with an IntelliQuant mode that simplifies method development and enables rapid sample screening
  • The 5110 is available in three flexible configurations: Synchronous Vertical Dual View, Vertical Dual View, and Radial View




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