Phân tích PAH bằng GC/MS/MS với khí mang Hydro

Hệ thống GC 8890 và GC/MS ba tứ cực (GC/TQ) 7000E Agilent với nguồn ion...

A Novel Two-Dimensional LC/MS/MS Approach For Automated Analysis Of Complex Protein Samples Using MS Compatible Buffers

Paul Shieh1 , May Xu1 , Christine Miller2 and Ken Miller2 1Column Technology Inc., Fremont,...

Robust and Reproducible Protein Quantification in Plasma using the Evosep One and the Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

This application note showcases the reproducibility, robustness, and analytical sensitivity of MRM-based LC/MS analysis of...

Analysis of E-Cigarette Liquid by 7890 GC and Intuvo 9000 Using an Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX GC Column

This Application Note demonstrates the use of the Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX GC column for the analysis...

Quality Control of Fragrance Samples by GC-FID: Method Transfer from the Agilent 7890 GC to the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC

Quality control of essential oils, fragrances, and perfumes is typically performed by GC-FID analysis. Important...

Analysis of Terpene and Terpenoid Content in Cannabis Sativa Using Headspace with GC/MSD

Terpenes and terpenoids are compounds produced by botanical species to flourish in their environment. The...

Study of the Glycosylated Secondary Metabolites in Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.) Using UHPLC/Q-TOF/MS

Glycosylation is widely involved in a series of biological events in plants and are believed...

Chemometric Methods for the Analysis of Graftage-Related Black Tea Aroma Variation by Solid Phase Mirco-Extraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

A solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography/triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) method was developed to...

Chiral Multicolumn Method Development on the Agilent 1260 Infinity II SFC System

This Application Note demonstrates the use of the Agilent ChemStation Method Scouting Wizard for the development...

Rapid Analysis of Radium-226 in Water Samples by ICP-QQQ

Radium-226 is a radionuclide that occurs naturally as part of the uranium-238 decay series. 226Ra...

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